
The Schiller Coastal Studies Center's location on Orr's Island in Harpswell and its access to the Gulf of Maine provides a sentinel site for researchers, educators, and local partners to collaborate to ask and answer challenging questions facing our coastal environments, communities, and economies.

Grounded in its role as a marine and oceanographic science field station, the Center invites students and faculty from across the disciplines—from the social sciences and the arts and humanities, to the life and physical sciences—to explore issues impacting Maine's coast and to understand the changes underway in Casco Bay’s coastal systems.

Research facilities include the marine "wet" lab, dry lab, and other waterfront amenities. The Center's site between Harpswell Sound and Long Cove, and in the Kennebec and New Meadows estuaries, provides many “natural labs,” including rocky intertidal zones, cobble beaches, and subtidal eelgrass.

Terrestrial scientists can take advantage of the Center’s 118 protected acres of fields, an old apple orchard, early successional communities, mature forests of red pine, cedar, and oak–pine, and a spruce–fir swamp.